版主: Jeff, Korping_Chang
狂人 寫:Hello AMB, I'm wondering what would the transient response be with and without active ground. I've always been wondering what's the difference that active ground is going to have with on the transients when compared to regular ground.
liuchengdar 寫:雙電源提供更大的電流輸出與更精準的分壓
isas 寫:小弟想偷偷問一下
Beta22用Passive Ground和Active Ground會差很多嗎?
amb 寫:isas 寫:小弟想偷偷問一下
Beta22用Passive Ground和Active Ground會差很多嗎?
There is a difference of course, enough so that I recommend the 3-channel active ground configuration for headphone amplifier application, because high quality headphone listening is by its nature highly resolving of fine details. With a reference-class amplifier like β22, this is what it's all about.
amb 寫:liuchengdar 寫:雙電源提供更大的電流輸出與更精準的分壓
I already explained that the TLE2426 in these amps do not supply current, so its output current capacity is irrelevant.
The rail-splitting accuracy of TLE2426 is very good (better than ±1% at 40V and 25°C), often superior to independent positive and negative voltage regulators. But that is also largely irrelevant because the amplifier can tolerate a voltage mismatch between its positive and negative supply rails with no ill effects. What is important, however, is the fact that the TLE2426's virtual ground reference "floats" with changes across the two rails, so the system acts like it has a tracking dual-rail power supply, improving CMRR.
Of course, a dual-rail tracking regulated power supply such as σ22 also has this benefit, but is more complex and costly.
voyager 寫:嗯嗯.....原來如此
那如果TLE2426這麼好用, 為何Beta22要改用雙電源呢?
isas 寫:小弟另外想請問
Sigma 22那兩對並聯的MOSFET可不可以拆掉一對?
如果可以 射極電阻需要降低阻值嗎?
amb 寫:The active ground channel's speed is the same as the left and right channels, and does not limit overall transient response. In fact, since the active ground does not rely on the speed of rail capacitors to quickly swing current, it theoretically provides better transient response. In some respects active ground acts like a balanced amp, except that the ground side does not swing any voltage, just current. At any rate, I could not measure any tangible difference in transient response between the 2-channel passive ground β18 amp compared to the 3-channel active ground M³.
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